Saturday, March 7, 2020

#up-poetry101:AS I BEGAN TO LOVE MY SELF with Samantha Nomaswazi Nunu

Samantha Nomaswazi Nunu
As I Begin To Love Myself

As I begin to love myself,
I see me for who I am,
I see the hurt that I went through,
But unlike a broken vase forever broken into pieces,
Loathed, discarded and forgotten,
I was able to rise and glue myself together.

As I begin to love myself,
I see strength in my weaknesses,
I gain strength from my weaknesses,
I move from one point to another,
Scares from all the pain I have suffered flow through my veins,
Slowly fading like the rays of the sun as it sets,
As I climb the ladder of my life.

As I begin to love myself,
I lick the deep wounds that people left in my life,
As I climb the ladder of my life
I break free from the strong roots of pain
That my childhood left,
Still pulling me down.

As I begin to love myself,
I cry, so that the salt from my tears cleanse my wounds,
To prevent them from any infection.
I cry, not because I am weak,
But so my tears will redeem me,
From the whips burn I got from suffering.

As I begin to love myself
I look at the people around me,
I manage to smile at them,
I begin to understand that they had to hurt me
In order for me to become who I am.

As I begin to love myself
I accept others for who they are
Despite all their cruel deeds upon my life.
As I refuse to let their faults bring me down,
I move from one end to the other
For they have taught me to find value in myself
As I begin to love myself.

Samantha Nomaswazi Nunu (c) 2019.

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SAMANTHA NOMASWAZI NUNU S ongbird! B eautiful hymns, you sing Deep into my soul, Your sonorous voice Melts away all the ice ...