Friday, March 13, 2020

#up-poetry101: THAT'S THE WAY I SEE YOU with Pretty Shumba

Pretty Shumba

Boy! I  Imagine you as arose,
Elegant with satisfaction
that’s the way I see you.
When you walk towards me with deliberate strides
and your eyes dancing around with hidden implications
making my heart miss a bit,
and my mind jump to the clouds
I picture a violet blue
and you swing in the wind full of life.
An image runs into my  mind “you my man.”
Your mouth tilted up into a great smile.
Your  head slightly turned to the side.
A man of innocence, handsomeness at its birth.
All I can do is blink my eyes at the best.
As there would be no word that can justly describe the rest.
I’m about to take a break so please bare with me.
In the darkness it becomes bright. You are in the desert…
Do you see the cactus?
Tall and bold, a survivor at most,
still strong enough to play all the way.
That’s the picture I see in you.
A picture of you standing out from the rest of the sea.
You are stronger than you know,
believe in yourself and I wish I could say that’s all,
but you have to also make it show from inside out.
That’s the way I see you on Valentine’s day

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